How do managers avoid conflict and motivate their workforce?
david r
2006-08-17 12:29:55 UTC
work effectively
Implications for organisations
21 answers:
2006-08-17 12:35:09 UTC
tell them they are doing a good job and tell them thanks
I Know Nuttin
2006-08-17 14:27:32 UTC
Conflict can't be completely avoided in the workplace; it happens from time to time. You shouldn't think about how to avoid it, but rather how to deal with it effectively when it comes up. A good manager will deal with conflict by sitting by people in the same room and having a face-to-face, and asking the "tough questions." Also, a manager should avoid immediately taking sides in an argument, and should listen to the whole story before making a snap decision. Most conflicts can be resolved without too much ugliness, but a manager must also be ready if things do get ugly.

As for motivation, there should be both positive and negative incentives. Punitive measures should only be used in cases of employees with a bad work ethic who are failing to perform at the basic minimal level for no good reason. Extra rewards should be given to employees who go above and beyond, and who go the extra mile to get the job done. The key to doing this effectively is to be CONSISTENT with both punishments and rewards. Having unequal expectations for your employees is just asking for trouble.
2006-08-17 12:38:29 UTC
I assume this is a business school assignment/essay?

I hate to be the devil's advocate but why should managers avoid conflict and motivate their workforce?

Do managers do that? I would think that's passed on to the line supervisors to handle.
Brian B
2006-08-17 12:37:54 UTC
Managers don't avoid conflict, they deal with it, more often than not mediating between the two parties involved.

As for motivating their workforce, it depends on what busines they are in.
2006-08-17 12:39:03 UTC
By holding back the more talented members of the team to make sure that the less capable team members don't feel inadequate.

Then waste time that employees can use to actually do their job in favor of "team building exercises" like food days every other day, gossip etc.
2006-08-17 12:42:05 UTC
i manage a group of 35 people. and anytime i need to get down their backs about something, i use my method of motivation. you always want to start off by saying something good about them, how you like the way they clean or if their responsible. give them a good positive, then use your BUT. "samantha your atitude around the office is great, everybody loves you and you get along with everyone, BUT you need to start getting here on time."

then explain why what their doing is wrong and why it needs to be fixed. " you being late causes other people to stay back and in return causes problems with me." and end it with something you feel about them, positevly " if your this popular in here i could imagine how popular you are out there and i would never want to keep you waiting, if your shift is over and waiting on the next shift to arrive." then be quick and firm. "so please dont let it happen again."
2006-08-17 12:38:09 UTC
Stay positive, have daily/weekly meetings to keep all your employees involved!! Be readily available to give assistance, should the need arise. Be friendly, supportive and treat your employees like human beings. Let them know that their opinion matters, that their insight is appreciated and that their are no dumb, or stupid ideas!! It's a TEAM effort and everybodies input counts!!!

I often meet with co-workers after hours for a few cocktails.
2006-08-17 13:29:12 UTC
By building a pleasant working envioronment and seeing that their employees are contented and happy. Happy people work better and are more motivated to do a good job. Happy workers are efficient workers, it is not the other way around.
2006-08-18 09:27:13 UTC
Ashridge College, UK, published a book on the topic in the 1990s. Have a look at their web site (below) as they might also have courses to help.
2006-08-17 12:37:42 UTC
Avoiding conflict is impossible. Just keep procedures and policies in place which will bring about swift resolution.
2006-08-17 13:18:54 UTC
By following the basic principles of management
2006-08-17 12:38:15 UTC
I'm a strong believer in teambuilders....if your company lacks the funds go bowling or something similiar. You will find that your employees will be more likely to go the extra mile
2006-08-17 12:38:54 UTC
I find team building events is a winner - take the miserable sods Paintballing!
2016-11-26 03:49:08 UTC
No. we are no longer able to holding our debt no remember who we tax. a good 30% of the inhabitants likely doesn't actually have income and are retired or residing off of authorities.
2006-08-17 12:51:55 UTC
to avoid conflicts just listen what people say and just consider what they want if u sometimes will bend to your staff needs or ideas by compromise u will gain their respect
2006-08-17 12:35:41 UTC
have some team building activities from time to basketball game...or even drinking session.
2006-08-17 12:34:57 UTC
by good management
2006-08-17 13:07:06 UTC
Easy... Rent out the following for homework

Hornblower, Star Trek, The Abyss, Twister, Sharp, Zorro, The karate Kid, Empire records...

And look at casulty's charcter Charlie, compared to Nathan

Rule one

Your workers are not drones, numbers, there to serve you with their lives.

They are people with lives feelings, aspirations and needs and often more ability then what you give them credit for if you looked properly.

Rule two...

NEVER allow office politics culutres or normalness to develop... Ie you work force must never act like bog brother bitchy or back stabby and get rid of those who do.

You want a team that actas like a family

Rule 3

Cut the crap and loose the ego

You are not god, king or lord big wig...

A leader should serve his people.

They should look to you as a mentor, father figure, and hero who sticks up for them or why they hell should they care about you...

Your job is to protect them... Ie they need to trust you....

You should be there as you know the job well and they come to you to ask help boss, what do we do as they want you to tell them and organise them,... if they dont need that you have done a good job.

One of the best motivating things I saw a boss do was to phone up a dodgy landlord who would not give my mate her deposit back and this was causing her enourmous stress at work...

Now he could be a typical ' its not my problem jerk', who punishes employees for pringing problems to work...

He did not...

He phones up the guy like Philip Banks in Fresh prince and threatened to bury the tosser in lawyers for daring to upset his employee...

So much so the giy was grovelling at her feet to give the deposit and a tip...

Result the workforce sees him as a hero who cares about them, tough but stands up for the little guy... So they want to work for him...

Rule 4.

Dont be an ***.

Empathise with staff... ie I know its boring how could we make it more interesting.

Dont be an ashole with mobile phones. If people are not taking the micky and on the phone infront of a customer and its quiet... chill and leave them be... they relax and happier and more helpful to staff instead of you screwed them so they screw you.

Muck in and listen to staff. Often those on the ground know the situation better then those on top and the little guy can come up with an idea that can save the company millions...

Often the most creativity and best ideas come from the youngest.

Rule 5


Go for the creative wacky cvs, the long ones, the detailed ones... those are the staff wioth the most to offer as keenest.

Learn that lots of jobs = they got off butt to do jobs they did not like the pay the billis...

Ex poll dancer... great... She can be incharge of a aerobics routine like the japanese do at the start of the day getting a fit eager warmed up workforce...

Big job gap and have not worked in a while... great will be that much more greatful you finally gave them a job...

Likewise punk kid with seeming bad attiude in not liking authourity...Maybe bad mouthes last employer

The best kind like the wild stallion...

The attiude comes from treament from others before you...

Treat them well you are their hero and you now have the strongest fastest race horse and all yours

Rule 6.

Develop and utilise staff...

Dont be an idiot and put staff from the north of the city in the northern offices and virca versa.

If a girl is a major flirt great you have a good sales girl especaill good at manipulating boys...

See what folk are good at and want to do career wise and help them out... good for retaining staff if they see this is the place to get trained and all they can be if they put in the effort.

Also put people who can learn from one another... ie wild boy with nurd...

Nurd teaches wild boy abour say equipment, wild boy takes him out and gets him laid improving social skills.

Rule 7

Use the individual apprach to motivation... ie like above find out what they want and need...

If you have teen couples or newly werds... if they get over their quota they get a 5 minute make out session in the broom cupboard...

Can you think of a better motivation?

Company trips... Maybe acquire rare concert tickets... if the qutas are met the fan get them...

Better still friendly competition...Boys vs Girls

Friendly means you dont hurt the other side but be the best you can and boys vs girls is good rivels as the teams help their team mates as its pride...

Maybe to decide the sex of the office pin up poster of the week.

Also its better for the staff to stick together against you say sticking up for each other then fighting each other as they are working as a team... you just need to get them working for the same goal.

they need to see reward for efforts... To have a manager who is there not as he sucked up and back stabbed but as he is the best at the job, best at working folk together, the hero, the mentor, the sneaky manipulator, possibly father figure

Rule 8

No nasty bullies especailly middle management...

See to it that these guys are not being bullies as that would threaten you. As if nasty to those underneath them, would have no qualms against you...

A manager who is there for his staff would have respect for you if you deserve it...

Rule 9.

Respect is earned not tken by status...

And that includes you... So far all the above gets you real respect

Not fear... show you understand... let peopel find their own ways of doing things if they work, see them as people you job is to look after and see right for the benefit all all.

Rule ten...

Use resources wisely but realisitically.

If not good sacking a computer wizz who is crap at sales in the sales dept... better to put him to use in IT.

Keep sacking for the bullies, nasties, back stbbers, premadonnas

The mavericks if managed right are star employees.

As said if someone on a call centre desk is bored find out how they could help and possibly do two jobs at once..

Takes their mind off the boardom and the day goes quicker and less work for you...

But get real... simple,pay peanuts jobs are for kids who wont stick to them...

Why would they?

So acdept certain jobs would have high turn over simply as thats what the job involves

If you acknowledge that and empathise with the employee maybe he wont be in such a hurry to leave or put in the effort whilst here...

Instead of thinking a job thats 1/20th the price of a house where they get to use 25 of brain is a fantasic job.

Maybe offer fast promotion and or training
Wise ol' owl
2006-08-17 12:35:41 UTC
QBQ - Check it out. "Question behind question".
2006-08-17 12:36:05 UTC
2006-08-17 12:35:19 UTC

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