I replied to a posting on craigslist.org I think either that Monster,com and the job sounded too good to be true, work at home on the computer and get paid?? So, ya I replied not really thinking that I would ever get a response back, but a few weeks later, in the mail, I received a check made out to me for 3,871.94 (or someething like that), I was completely shocked, and when I googled and yahooed them, there were nowhere to be found. So i brought it to Citizans Bank and told them about my story and they called Suntrust bank in Atlanta, Ga because thats what was on the check that I had received. They called and said that it wasnt real, so they took it and I told them to rip it up then. a few days later I got an email telling me point by point of what to do with the check, and some documents were attached too it but i never looked. Then a few days later, 08-26-06, I received another email asking me what happened and where I disappeared too, its weirding me out. What do I do?