Hi friend,
Some home business r real n many r fraud. I have little experience of it. Iam also victim of fraud websites 365jobs4u.com. U can serach
365jobs4u.com[scam in google.
Some websiteslook very professional but actually fraud. be aware if u join different internet jobs. Don't join at once if u want to join any internet job.
Research for it in google like siteaddress[scam] n also consult others, don't join any internet job if they ask for money otherwise u will be scammed. that's my advise.
You can go to the website which I have made recently(not yet fully completed) to help people searching for home jobs n u can sign up there if interested :-
and read the blog posted on front page(take ur own time to understand n decide don't be in a hurry!!! ) n if u r interested u can send me email to apakhale123@gmail.com I am looking for Indian people to discuss
online businesses in that networking website I have made.
If u are an Indian n want to make money with less effort, u can trust www.ajaypakhale.invest300.com. I have recently joined it and I am sure i will definitely earn if we r together. U will be knowing what is the working process of this site. This is more easy than adsense and affiliate programs n exclusively for Indians.
Gud wishes