LOL...enjoying all the spam in the first chunk of answers? Typical MLM mentality, someone asks an MLM question, and MLMers line up to spam you with their business opportunity without regard for the question. Ug!
As far as your question, consider doing a logical analysis of what it takes to earn 1 million annual dollars in MLM. In MLM, the average commissions payout is 1-2%, with a few higher on certain levels, and many much much lower. Buts let's use even that 2%, assuming you could get an average 2% payout on your sales and your entire downline. For you to make $1 million annually that would require $50 million in annual sales. Plenty of companies can do $50 million in sales, so what's the problem with this you ask???
Well, ask yourself how much of the product you see yourself being able to sell personally and assume that everyone in your downline should be able to average out to the same amount as you (give a realistic analysis of what everyone in MLM can sell personally). Could you sell $500 of product a month? Well, if you could, then you would need over 8,000 people in your downline doing the same thing. Sure, that is mathematically possible, but now consider...
All those 8000 people need to be selling $500/month EVERY month for YOU to earn $1 million annually. However, the people at the bottom of your downline who are only selling that $500/month are only making $5 bucks a month commission, which means they are not going to continue sticking around unless they can also build the same business, or at least something. So now they have to build geometrically as well or you will suddenly lose your million dollar income.
What does this mean? Well, on a 3x3 matrix, where you sponsor 3 who sponsor 3 and so on, you get the following:
Level 1 - 3
Level 2 - 9
Level 3 - 27
Level 4 - 81
Level 5 - 243
Level 6 - 729
Level 7 - 2,187
Level 8 - 6,561
Level 9 - 19,683
So its clear that you will find your 8,000 people somewhere between your 8th and 9th level. But for those same people to stay in the business and build their own downline, they ALL need to build or they will not stick around for $5 a month. So now those levels look like this:
Level 10 - 59,049
Level 11 - 177,147
Level 12 - 531,441
Level 13 - 1,594,323
Level 14 - 4,782,969
Level 15 - 14,348,907
Level 16 - 43,046,721
Level 17 - 129,140,163
Level 18 - 387,420,489
Clearly you can see the problem, and clearly no MLM in history has ever come close to 387 million distributors. Now consider if that was even possible, what would happen when those 387 million people build their downline? lol
The reality is, there probably are a few who have build over 8,000 downlines and have people selling lots of product, but no one in MLM history has ever been able to maintain this. To suggest otherwise would be the same as suggesting that their MLM has over 387 million distributors (of course, there are the naive few who actually believe their company will be that big, yet still can't grasp that its a short few levels from being over 6 billion people).
Now let's get back to one point...and that is the selling of $500 of product every month. There are plenty of people who are capable of doing this, and plenty who will do much better. But look at the product and really ask yourself if you think the average MLMer is going to sell that amount, and sell it over and over month after month for a long period of time? The fact is, in MLM, most never sell that much personal volume (other than what they buy initially) and the average MLMer works the business for less than a couple months. Yet naive MLMers think they have access to residual income.
So to answer your question, is anyone in MLM making millions. Maybe a couple, but not continually, and there are thousands of easier ways in life to make millions than MLM.
Find an MLMer who will logically try to dispute the numbers as oppose to emotionally calling you names and I will show you a person who will soon be out of MLM. Logically analyzing MLM is all that is all it takes for the average MLMer to realize they chose MLM because they were naive.