I set up a Pay Pal account without a credit card. I have my account linked to one of my checking accounts.
For security and verification reasons, you must confirm your bank account before you can add funds to your PayPal account.
To get money into my Pay Pal account from my checking I would do a transfer. Though I rearely use do this, I can get money out of my paypal account into my checking account by transfering it. Pay Pal states the transfers take three to four days.
I also signed up to and have their Pay Pal debit card. I can use this debit card for purchases at places that major credit cards are accepted. This way I can use the money when I want to. It just deducts the charge right from my Pay Pal balance. Where I live buying a cup of coffee can be paid via a debit card.
If you are planning on making a payment through paypal account via a credit card you would need to provide the credit card information so the transfer payment can be made. This may be necessary, if your Pay Pal balance is smaller than the cost of the item you are buying.
It isn't a requirement for you to have a credit card or a bank account to open a paypal account. Yes it would limit you. I owed my sister in-law a sum money and paid her through paypal. She never provided any information to use the money. She used the money to buy items on-line through websites that accept paypal. She isn't able to transfer the money from paypal into her bank. She used the money to buy a digital camera from a eBay seller.
If I were to send you money to would be associated with your e-mail account through Pay Pal. Pay Pal would send you an e-mail stating that "You Got Cash" and you should go to Pay Pal to open your account. Later you could become "Verified". You must confirm your bank account or be approved for the PayPal Plus Credit Card or PayPal Buyer Credit.
BTW: You should be careful of fraudulent e-mails. Someone may be trying to rip you off by "Phishing". One of the most common phishing scams involves sending a fraudulent email that claims to be from a well-known company. Phishing can also be carried out in person, over the phone, through fraudulent pop-up windows, and websites.
Phishing is a form of fraud designed to steal your identity. It works by using false pretenses to get you to disclose sensitive personal information, such as credit and debit card numbers, account passwords, or Social Security numbers.