This is a scam right? (UK Lottery, but they sent me a legit check?)?
Tom R
2008-09-06 11:06:46 UTC
Alright, now Ive gotten the e-mail before saying ive won the lottery send all my information and whatnot to them to claim my prize and I know those are scams, but never before have I recieved a letter and check in the mail, I still think its a scam, but just wanna be sure before I throw out a $4.975.00 check.

Just a couple of things 1st, where words are capitalized either means they were capitalized in the letter or underline and bold.

Here's the letter (as close to word for word as I can get)

TEL +1-604-781-0663

"FILE NUMBER: KTU/902311****/**
Batch Number: 074/05/ZY3** August 28, 2008

Dear Tom R*****


We are pleased to inform you of the release of the JULY, 2008 result of the $600 Million INTERNATION MEGA DRAW PROMOTION held on July, 30, 2007. Out of the 65 participants randomly selected by computer ballot system that participated in the program all over across United States, Candada, UK, Europe, North / South America, Asia and Australia, your lucky ticket numbers ***-38551***-35* with serial number 2113_** has subsequesntly drew the winning lucky numbers

1,5,7,41,43,49 and bonus #46, which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category i.e match 5 plus bonus and have won you a lmp-sum winning amount of $150,000.00 (one hundred and fifty thousand U.S. dollars). You have therefore been approved of a lump-sum winning payment of $150,000.00 (one hundred and fifty thousand U.S. dollars), which have been credited to your file number KTU/90**118**9/0*

As you may be aware that the 30DAY DEADLINE within which every winning must be claimed, is about to elapse, enclosed herewith is a check of $4,975.00USD deducted from your total winning and sent to you. The purpose of this check inclosed is for the payment of the $3,985.00 CANADIAN NON-RESIDENT GOVERNMENT SERVICE TAX (GST) required to release your lump-sum winning balance to you at this same address

on receipt of this small check, you are required to "PAY" from the check a $3,985 Canadian Non-Resident Government Service Tax (GST), to the Canadian Tax Office as stated below:

TAX AGENT: Wendy Jones [MRS.]

TAX AMOUNT: $3.985.00


As soon as Government Tax Office confirms receipt of the $3,985 NON-RESIDENT GOVERNMENT SERVICE TAX from you through MONEYGRAM, our delivery agent will be on his way to your home to "HAND-DELIVER" your lump-sum balance (in a certified check) to you at home.

Winnings not claimed within the stipulated time will be transferred to our unclaimed fund account from where it shall be either rollled-over to our next lottery promotion excersize or be disbursed to charities of our choice without further notice. Regard this as a "FINAL NOTICE".

You are required to call and speak to your Claim Agent - OSCAR MATTHEW @ this TEL. NO" +1-6040781-0662 for further enquiries and directives. Congratulations and thank you for being part of this great promotion program.

(has her signature here)
Six answers:
Stan M
2008-09-06 11:35:21 UTC
IT IS A RELATIVELY NEW SCAM. It is about two years old and is presented a couple of ways. The check isn't good even though your bank pays it. When it comes back around, you will be liable for the whole amount. Even though your bank cashes the check, it is no good. They count on your check clearing before their's come bouncing back. As a customer service tour bank limits themselvesw on how long they hold funds. They release the money before the check actually clears its original bank. The scammers use banks and systems that take longer than the hold.

DO NOT CASH THE CHECK. Call your local consumer fraud authorities.
2008-09-06 18:12:18 UTC
If you read it carefully, they're telling you to pay them nearly 4000 dollars so they can pay you 5000. And you won't know if their check is good until you give them 4000.

I clicked on that survey link. Make sure you realize if you try them out that there is a 25.00 fee for them to pay you by Paypal. If other companies did this they'd be out of business. So you'll have to wait 6 weeks to get paid if you don't want to fork over 25 bucks everytime you request a payment.
2014-10-03 12:13:05 UTC
Well,1st off, you likely didn't but a ticket ,did you? These are money laundring scams! and yes the above answers are correct in saying that you may get the money from your bank but this will definetely bounce and you Will be held liable.
2008-09-06 18:14:26 UTC
That is a HUGE SCAM.

You deposit the check, you wire them money. They cash it, and by the time you find out that the check you deposited was counterfeit, your own money will be gone gone gone.

Doesn't it strike you as strange that they would send you money in order for you to send it right back???

Don't be stupid. Also - how on earth do you win a lottery you never entered?
2008-09-06 18:40:58 UTC
Tell them to bring you your money in cash to your favorite meeting spot, via a courier in a taxi cab. Tell them to take the expense of doing so out of your alleged winnings, and to keep $75,000 for themselves.

Tell them to tell the courier you are heavily armed...

It's a scam...
Jennie T
2008-09-06 18:22:04 UTC
No its fake how come they would all of a sudden send u $4.975.00 check. for no reason

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