2014-07-08 04:31:46 UTC
I'm no economist or CEO but i dare say it is. I'd be keen to hear what others have to say.
Firstly the government bailout. I think it did little but to stave the bankruptcy of GM for a few more years.
If a company has to ask the Government for bailout package that tells me the company wasn't doing that well to begin with.
It would be great for GM if they didn't have competitors but unfortunately for them they do, not just Ford either but overseas manufacturers such as Toyota (i myself own a Toyota and love driving it, for no other reason then the amazing furl economy it delivers).
In business you can't just make a product (in the case of GM, cars) and expect to succeed. One, they have to be of exceptional quality (GM fail that one with the millions of recalls) and people actually have to want to buy them (again the recalls aren't going to help with future sales).
The recalls. The millions of recalls shows the lack of oversight at GM that so many cars could be so poorly made that they need to be recalled. These recalls will affect sales in two ways.
Those that bring back their cars may very well not want to keep driving them and certainly not want to buy from GM in the future, and any would be buyers would be scared off buying one now.
So can GM survive this massive amount of recalls which will no doubt affect its bottom line?