2008-12-15 09:14:57 UTC
What is inflation? Is it a good thing, or a bad thing?
The Phillip's Curve. What is it? Is it relevant?
What is unemployment?
Should the Fed set an inflation target? After all, most of the major central
banks have one.
If you could reduce unemployment by 1% by increasing inflation by 1%, would
you do it?
*Would it be good or bad to reduce inflation to 0%, and why?
*Would it be good or bad to reduce unemployment to 0%, and why?
What would be the effect of deflation on the economy? Is it better than
2. The Fed
What is the Fed's "dual mandate"?
What does the "Fed Funds rate" mean?
Raising rates hurts investment and productivity. Should the Fed then never
raise rates? Conversely, how can monetary policy stimulate investment?
Does the Fed's monetary policy actions affect long-term interest rates? Why
or why not?
*Explain how the Federal Reserve and the government are connected-- is the
Federal Reserve dependent or independent of the government, or both?
3.) Current Crisis
What is a "subprime mortgage"?
Why did Bear Stearns, Lehman brothers, and other investment banks have so
many problems?
What catalyzed the current crisis and what's the major problem right now?