I have been buying/selling from Ebay for about 2 years and just got scammed $70. The new seller sold me a modem and only accepted checks or money orders. I sent a personal check and it was cleared but when I called the seller and uh the number was disconnected, & I sent several e-mails without any response. Today I looked up his feedbacks & there is someone else that did not get their item. I know it was only $70, but when monies tight it hurts. I was trying to save myself $25 for a new modem that AT&t sells for $90 including shipping. I did learn a lesson. But if anyone lives in PHOENIX, ARIZONA AND KNOWS NICOLE OR ROBERT MILLER 3806 W. STATE AVE. APT #7. LET THEM KNOW THEY ARE EBAY SCAMMERS AND THEY COULD GO TO JAIL FOR SCAMMING. AND tell Robert I want my AT&T wireless modem/router. I didn't know what section to put this in.
If anyone knows these dishonest people or live near by them let me know.