I received in the mail a 3 page letter that sounded similar to a chain letter, but was told several times in the letter that it wasn't and that it was legal. Basically I would send $1 to seven people who are on a list. I would bump the first one off the list and add my name to the bottom, moving everyone up a notch. I then buy a list of 200 "opportunity seekers" for $40. Send each one of them a copy of the letter I received along with the portion that I added my name to ...now asking them for a $1. They say the part that makes it legal is when I send the $1 to the seven people on the list, I need to add "please put my name on your list" and this will make it legal. I will supposedly get tons of money from doing this. Does anyone know if this is first of all legal and secondly..does it work?